Hike The Inca Trail to Machu Picchu

Top 5 essentials for the Inca Trail

Michael Barthelmess
( Business Development Manager )

Michael continues to travel, searching for new business opportunities and fantastic trip experiences to offer travelers. You can find Michael testing unique tours and hotels around LATAM. He enjoys getting up early and a hot cup of coffee before getting a good workout and starting the day.

Last Updated on November 14, 2022 by James Bustamante

Making sure to pack the Essentials for the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu can be the determining factor between a successful hike and an overall bad experience. No amount of physical preparation, acclimatization to the elevation, or having the perfect guided experience will make sure your trek is a good one like having the absolute essentials packed for the trip. Outlined below are some of the most important items travelers need to consider before heading to the beautiful city of Cusco.

1. Your Passport

Passport Essentials
Passport Essentials

The first, and most important item, is your passport. Travelers will be asked to show their passport at the start of the trek; make sure it has been updated recently. In addition, there are government checkpoints with official state representatives government that work to enforce strict limits on how many visitors can walk the trail daily, and every foreigner taking the Inca Trail must show their passport. This is why updating your passport is necessary for your packing list!

Express Machu Picchu Group Tour
Express Machu Picchu Group Tour

2. Proper Hiking Attire

Inca Trail Gear

First of all, keep in mind that you probably won’t be showering throughout the trek, mainly because you won’t want to. Meaning that you’re certainly going to want an ample supply of underwear and socks – the articles of clothing that tend to get dirty the fastest and are the most miserable to put on unclean for a second time! As far as other hiking attire goes, a vital detail to keep in mind would be to wear layered clothing. The weather can quickly change in the Peruvian highlands, so you’ll want to promptly remove clothing when it gets hot or put something back on in the evening when it can get chilly.

Ideally, you’ll have hiking/athletic pants that can zip off into shorts if necessary. In addition, you should bring both short and long-sleeved shirts, and also a light jacket. You should also have some cold weather gear for the nights, including hats, gloves, and scarves, especially if you’re putting together your packing list for the colder parts of the year.

3. Proper Footwear

Salkantay Trek Hiking Shoes
Salkantay Trek Hiking Shoes

Next on our list of Top 5 essentials for the Inca Trail is proper footwear. The Inca Trail is challenging but different from climbing a mountain or hiking up a fully vertical plane. Footwear for the hike leading to Machu Picchu should be, above all, comfortable. Hiking boots are unnecessary; comfortable hiking shoes are the best way. Whether you bring hiking boots or a shoe/boot hybrid, ensure they’re waterproof or water-resistant.

There’s a good chance you’ll experience some rain or mud at some point during your trek, even if you’re visiting during the dry season. One last footwear recommendation – make sure whatever you’re wearing fits well and is somewhat worn in, as blisters on a four-day trek are no fun. Unfortunately, many hikers make the mistake of purchasing new shoes just for the hike, which can lead to a very uncomfortable experience.

4. Other Waterproof Goods

Once again, even if you’re trekking during the dry season, remember the rain gear! Highland weather is highly unpredictable, so have a poncho or rain jacket and some plastic bags to separate your wet clothes from your dry ones. These are essential to guarantee peace of mind while on your Inca Trail.

5. Sleeping Bag

Sleeping bag Inca Trail
Sleeping bag Inca Trail

Travelers can rent sleeping bags once they get to Cusco, but we advise taking your considering that this will be the source of your rest every night of your trek. Of course, it would help if you tried to choose what is most comfortable, but we recommend a four-season bag regardless of the time of year you’ll visit Peru.


These are the Top 5 essentials for the Inca Trail. If you’d like to know more about Peru, Cusco, and Machu Picchu, check out the rest of our travel articles on the Peru Travel Blog, and be sure to follow us on our social media to see our special Peru tour packages.



About the Author
Michael continues to travel, searching for new business opportunities and fantastic trip experiences to offer travelers. You can find Michael testing unique tours and hotels around LATAM. He enjoys getting up early and a hot cup of coffee before getting a good workout and starting the day.